Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Home Comforts
(20" x 20" oil on canvas)

The square format is fast becoming one of my new favourites. Deliberate central placement of the objects eliminates tension and encourages the eye to relax and stay awhile. The title says it all.

This painting is available at Gallery Gevik, Toronto, Ontario, SOLD.

If you’d like to be included on my Painting of the Week email list please write me at You’ll receive the painting of the week as well as news about shows.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Rouge sur Rouge
(16 "x 16" oil on canvas)

As promised, a companion piece to last week's white wine. Essentially the same composition with a heavier, deeper color treatment as dictated by the color of the wine.

This painting is available at Gallery Gevik, Toronto, Ontario, SOLD.

If you’d like to be included on my Painting of the Week email list please write me at You’ll receive the painting of the week as well as news about shows.

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Blanc sur Blanc
(16 "x 16" oil on canvas)

I loved the unassuming shape of these small bistro-type glasses. Here I use the half pear shape to help describe the shape of the glass, the almost non-existent color of the wine is given a boost by the reflected green grapes.

Next week, Part 2, where I do a companion piece with red wine.

This painting is available at Gallery Gevik, Toronto, Ontario,

If you’d like to be included on my Painting of the Week email list please write me at You’ll receive the painting of the week as well as news about shows.

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Two Clementines and a Bowl
(18" x 24" oil on canvas)

Bursting with flavor and color, these clementines do double duty, first as props, then as breakfast.

In this painting I've tried to recreate, on canvas, the welcoming explosion of taste this jewel-like fruit provides on a dreary March day.

This painting is available at Gallery Gevik, Toronto, Ontario,

If you’d like to be included on my Painting of the Week email list please write me at You’ll receive the painting of the week as well as news about shows.