Wednesday 8 September 2010

Special Request
(18" x 18", oil on canvas)

I believe it is only human nature that makes one want the painting that just went out the door under someone else's arm. Consequently, I frequently get requests for a painting similar to another, and while I try my best to meet all requests, it can be a bit tricky. What was the initial appeal...the colours? subject matter? format? Often, it is nearly impossible for the client to articulate what the attraction was and I am left to draw my own conclusions.

This painting was one such request, and while it is nowhere near a duplicate, it has the same basic tone and feel as the initial work. I do not know if this "substitute" will work for my dealer's customer, but I do know it's a very good piece and not simply a rehash of another. Now, I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

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